A$$troMack Mission Statement
Space less traveled. For the dormant dreamers and nonconformists, Alex Mack offers art with a critical perspective on the world with a focus on experiencing to unlock a deeper sense of understanding and happiness on the path to self actualization. Resonating with the entrepreneurs, explorers, students, and athletes of the world, Mack supplies the soundtrack for those embarking on a journey; whether that journey be traversing land, an epic workout, financial stability, or a moment of introspection.
The Mackeezus Brand is built on sharing experiences and information to offer audiences a richer understanding of the world around them and develop an intersection of cultures. Alex Mack’s interests span: sports, science, filmography, ancient theologies, philosophy, and conspiracy theories. Looking to expand into literature and visual arts, Alex Mack is building the foundation for a multi-media empire.
With a tongue and cheek sense of humor and awe inspiring imagery, Mack awakens the dormant dreamer with energetic and revitalizing color schemes. Repurposing themes and elements of the "Cold War Space Race”

"A genre all his own with an extraterrestrial feeling that oddly hits close to home... Music that can uplift you to a sensation that you haven't discovered before... Words that can paint a picture your mind has never depicted, yet able to brings with it the most nostalgia memories. With musical production that sends chills down your spine and warmth throughout your body; the work of art almost contradicts itself with every emotion, but somehow succeeds in allowing the listener to feel everything." - Mike Rari
"To me A$$troMack represents, ambition and self-belief while empowering those around you. The music has a unique sound that makes you think, but still makes you wanna bop a lil bit too. It truly transports you to an out of this world experience. It has the power to make you change your mindset, but you've gotta have a certain mindset to appreciate it's depths." - Killa Kam